Saturday, October 6, 2012

Racer Ready...

By now you have all been getting ready for the coming ski season. We here at Ogasaka have been preparing and are on the road. Here in the East, Mike Foti has put in the miles lately, from Rochester, NY to Windham Mountain today. Robin out in Mammoth, Hobson out in Colorado will be busy too.

Keep checking our Facebook page for photos, event dates, demos and news.

Think snow!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

2012-2013 Website preview images

Here are a few screen captures of the 2012-2013 website. Please keep checking back. Thank you for your patience.

Friday, July 20, 2012

I hope you all have survived the heat wave this summer, it has been brutal. We are getting busy here at Ogasaka USA. New artwork arrived and images for the new skis are being sized and prepared for the website. If you have been to the website recently, you may notice some of the images may not appear. This is due to an update to the program and software for the website. We are still navigating through it. We are planning to have the website completely revised by August, at least that is the plan.

Until later, be awesome.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hello and Happy Summer! We here at Ogasaka USA are gearing up for the 2012-2013 season. You will notice a new logo. Our junior team program, like all good things is being tweaked. We came up with a new name and a new look. We hope you like it. The website will be revised soon and adding more event / news information. We gained some ground last season getting folks on the skis and plan to keep it going.

Until then, check back now and then. Have a great summer and do your best snow and cold dance for the coming winter.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

2013 Ogasaka Race Ski Demo

Today, March 10, 2012, we held our first race ski demo at Hunter Mountain, Hunter, NY. The coaches set a GS, and two SL courses for training and to demo the skis. The 2013 skis were well received. The demo tour will continue Sunday at Windham Mountain then head to central and western New York. We will have photographs and video from today's event soon.